
PR Franchise - MMPRs1 51-53

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Today on Power Rangers: Rita actually creates a monster that is much more powerful than even she expects...and all she needed for inspiration was Billy not completely acing a test; Ernie's new smoothies end up leading to Tommy saving the world from a parrot with two brains...tiny brains, but still two brains; and Angela sees Zack's nurturing side and considers going out with him again...too bad that same side isn't enough to stop him from playing a terrible magic spell joke on Bulk, but she doesn't seem to care about him either.


Grumble Bee: aka: When Nerds Do...Better than Average Instead of Excellently

Well, I sort of hope Bulk and Skull are back to their D- average after the whole "Crystal of Nightmares" incident.

Sorry, for a B? He's got an A average guess: I think he put Uncle Howard's martial arts training ahead of his studies.

At least show what Billy got wrong so we can sort of get his excuse!


Young Scientists of America Club? Sure that wasn't an English test, Applebee?

Billy leaving after everyone but before Bulk or Skull probably shows how good everyone else did.

Wait, never? Isn't there any subject you suck at? You can't just be generically smart at everything.

Yeah, I can definitely see Kim in the "Bs saved my GPA" squadron.

What is "this?" What subject did he get this B in?

Hey, the B makes him closer to Bulk and Skull's GPA so...that works.

B stands for Bulk...figured an Ernie comment from Skull to counteract...wait, he's too fat for Bert.

Seriously Bulk, if you had a B then Caplain and Applebee would be off your backs.

Hey, Rita's got an idea from Billy's B...maybe something that can lower him to a C?

Really, from "B" to "Bee"...well B does stand for "Bee". (if we go by the "B is for Bulk" example)

Its' hilarious how the stock footage keeps changing the monster Finnster works on now.

I can't see how a bee will end the Power Rangers; these "animal monsters" do feel more ple-bee-an than previous schemes with the mythological ones.

Billy has quite an advanced security system on his locker, doesn't he?

Yeah, doing your best is long as you're not a Billy-level super-genius.

This club would be important if it mattered storywise...which it doesn' some hoops probably would be better.

Billy and Trini: the buddies together again.

Oh great, the quiz is on bees? Really? Rita's being psychic again.

Alright now it makes sense: science test, science club. Maybe if they at least gave the teens more teachers than just Applebee and defined why Billy's so worried...

I think Billy just isn't that specialized with biological sciences compared to engineering. That could explain a lot.

And one episode after he's back and Tommy's gone again? See, Zordon, this is why we didn't want him back!

Say Jason, why aren't you at that karate competition? (then again at least he has priorities in protecting Angel Grove and Tommy's a bit of a glory hog so...)

Too tired? That's what caffiene is for...wait have there been a Ranger team based out of a coffee shop?

Why do you have to call Goldar? Why not use Scorpina; she seems rather bored.

Until Grumble Bee is ready? I get Finnster being an artist but why does he need that long?

Hey, maybe they can play the Putties in a pick-up game.

OK, using the basketball like that sort of works for a pick-up game so...they took my advice.

Sorry, the smart one's studying so you just have these three.

Oh boy, magical glowy rope...I think Rita's had more success with regular hemp in the past.

Rope creates a forcefield...not a net, just rope?

Goldar's right: he's getting away with it rather well so far you three.

You three are doomed thanks to the power of...rope! (as said, good strategy but the forcefield feels a bit much)

And there's the Grumble Bee footage in the Viewing Globe...either Zordon knew what it was or Goldar was lying about it not being ready. any of you three have a free hand or something...

Wouldn't Billy and Trini hear it...or are they taking Tommy's communication lessons to heart?

And thus the Viewing Globe changed channels. Zordon, your security cameras are everywhere.

Seriously, if the communicator works simultaneously for all five of them, wouldn't Billy or Trini hear it during the first buzz?

Now it works...see, they were ignoring it for studies; which either makes them good students or bad Rangers.

Why not just tell them what to do instead of forcing them to the Command Center? They could just save the others with no fuss.

Electronic forcefiled in Goldar's Rope...considering Rita's magic, can't you just say it's a lightning spell cast upon it and call it a day?

Have you thought about scissors, Alpha?

And again, Grumble Bee. Is this live or is it Memorex?

Lethal venom and poisonous stingers are probably the same thing.


Really with that "it's morphin time", I'm shocked Trini hasn't done it more often.

Hey don't be anti-bee; there are some that are endangered species now and wasps are worse.

Those aren't poisonous, just explosive.

Is it just me or does Grumble Bee have a strawberry crotch protector?

The footage really feels more like Dan and Boi than Billy and Trini, doesn't it?

Well at least it has a sonic strike as well.

OK, the sonic attack not being known is a good secret weapon. Kudos.

I think the best method so far is some sort of helmet muffler to deal with Grumble Bee I say.

Alpha needs a special weapon for the sonic attack and not the rope? What about that rope!?

Well at least with Grumble Bee screwing with them, at least they have a different priority.

Meanwhile, magic rope remains more elusive than Rita's monster.


Really, if Trini was redesigned as the true heroine in a revamp I'd be all for it.

And here come the 'Bee' puns...surprised it didn't start 'bee'-fore.

Killer silly string!

I can't believe it; they claimed silly string was non-toxic on the can!

Loosen the force field!? HOW!? WOULDN'T THAT TAKE MAGIC!?!?!?!?

And thus ridiculous super-science solves a problem that a knife or a pair of scissors could have sooner. Thank you Rube Goldberg!

I hate to say it, Jason but I think Trini did it better this episode.

I think it's like a game condition: if Rangers show up, Putties must appear.

Hey it's another Wasserman song; I think "I Will Win" is what it's called.

The class bit wouldn't work unless you had an education theme...or Goldar since he did that earlier.

So the cure is...wait a turn and it will wear off? Not much of a cure but I'll take your word.

And thus the hold up was due to Alpha's terrible mechanical abilities. Really, just leave the stuff to Billy next time. At least he aces those tests.

Pasta la Pizza, baby? Never say that again...anyone.

I'm sending it to Billy because Triceratops and blue plastic.

And the cure is...a foam spray. Seriously, how is that going to work on a sound attack? slime...must have some of Ivan Ooze's genetics in it.

When in doubt, grow it.

Kim stereo choice of the episode: "Want Ads" by the Honeycomb

Must have hit something when entering tank mode.

Considering how often they just skip to Battle Mode lately, what point was the tank?

Great, the suit's on fire...someone got a fire extinguisher on set?

And now a sonic blast from the past.

Oh hey Scorpina, thought you weren't going to show up this time.

Oops, wrong hand.

What, it doesn't think the Power Sword is real? Hasn't it been in monster knowledge 101?

And now a lesson in how real the sword is.

Well at least Rita's not casting fault this time.

Meanwhile Jason and Zack spar...and enter the jealous boyfriend. (TOMMY, WHERE WERE YOU!?)

It went great...should I tell them I lost?

At least they seem to understand that Tommy can't just appear all the time...wish they would take that advice but we'll get there.

A+, you probably just needed an A- to get in, genius. (overachiever)

Bulk and did their test go?

Sort of hope it's their copies and not the schools'.

6 top students in the class...this is a ploy, right?

Seriously, I don't see the other five trying to get into Billy's science club so there has to be other top students...

Really, loan them Billy for the day and the rest can play hoops or something.

And there goes Bulk's brain.

Thoughts: This was really supposed to be a Billy-focus episode, but amazingly Trini felt stronger in it with her leadership than he did. His plot about the B really felt rather shallow, as if they want to make him so smart that this is the first time that he ever got the score. Strangely, I did like Grumble Bee in the end: it had devastating abilities and I did like it kept hidden it's trump card for the Rangers to later deal with...though I think there was too much Alpha super-science to finish it off regardless. Seriously, though, while I did like the ending gag, maybe it should have been a Billy/Bulk episode to have sort of both figure things out about elitism vs. being a slacker.

Two Heads are Better Than One: aka Ernie's Fruit Smoothie Monopoly! (or: Bulk and Skull go MILF Hunting)

Women's self defense...well that actually isn't a bad idea considering the other possible monsters that aren't Rita's suits.'s Jason and Tommy leading it. Never mind.

Yes, screaming is more important and using your body or any martial arts.

You boys are so nice...anyone want to come over for some booze later?

Yeah the mothers of Angel Grove...that aren't our mothers...

OK, those two as Kim and Trini's muggers, that could work for example.

Tommy went too easy cause it was Kim.

How are they working together; what if it's one-on-one?

And there's the episode title!

And...Rita takes the line the wrong way as usual.

Hey, two heads with a tiny brain isn't really that smart.

Um Rita, Finnster's probably describing Terror Toad or really, you'd tried multiple heads before and it didn't work!

OK, I'll take the blonde; Jason...didn't know you had jungle fever.

Meanwhile, Ernie's got his latest stash to hide his own booze in.

I think Ernie's got a new top seller for his alcoholic content.

They're addicts, they did their job.

It's the "stuff" that gives it an excess kick.

Yes but does it have Durian? Or Acai?

Um Bulk...I know men do wear pink too should be grateful you missed this class. MILFs everywhere.

Oh great, Bulk's just admitting he's a MILF fan...after Skull desiring Bulk's mommy, this just got disturbing.

I don't see Kim as a mother of Angel Grove...heck, you haven't seen "A Season to Remember" have you?

Jason, don't enable the doofuses. It just is going to turn out terrible.

Next lesson suggestion: tasers.

Great, we go from MILFs to two sweaty men doing it in public...this is going to be a loooong episode.

Aren't you two making it a little too...difficult for your students? They're all middle aged women, not you two.

That is

I'd say the parrot knows Leafage.

OK, no moving's going to be tough to decipher who is saying what.

Parrot, just talk to Goatan about the two-head thing and know it isn't necessarily that true.

That's not the power of two heads, just really tough wings.

Eww...killer hard boogers.

The parrot has...curly'd expect chicken feet or something.

Wait, Tommy's being more cautious than Jason? Sure this isn't just a Burai/Geki thing?

Seriously, let those two talk to their friends first before having Zordon intervene.

It's like the humans can't just let themselves talk due to the giant floating know-it-all in the tube.

I'm not even going to tell you what the missiles are made out of.

Really, doesn't anyone remember Goatan? No one remembers poor Goatan.

Oh great, use fruit. Let's hope Ernie's basket isn't too exotic and they just screw him over.

Pamango? So they fused a mango and papaya? happens to be a native species of Angel Grove. Either Billy planted them or they're an invasive species.

Sorry, you five have to sit around reading boring paperwork while the guy with limited powers left have to get the fruit. We're not very good strategists but we just go with what Japan gives us.

Which part of the park is Tommy in this time?

Can't we just let Billy get the coordinates? Why is all the technical stuff suddenly Alpha's expertise?

Yep...this paper is blank. That's good research guys. BACK INTO ACTION!

That is...what? Let Billy finish the sentence!

Well someone's prepared the Putties ahead of schedule.

Hello...hello again. (good Cars song)

Can someone tell me which head is more annoying?

Um...what is that thing? It doesn't look like a mango or a papaya.

Climb a tree...sure we shouldn't have sent Trini and her Boi footage?

Seriously, Rita, if you want fruit smoothies so badly then just take over the juice bar; Ernie will gladly destroy rainforests for your tastes.

And...they're overstretching their Putty army again.

Sure you can spin kick overspinning both your legs there, Tom-boy?

A low leg sweep doesn't work on Tommy; he keeps doing the jump kick so it's obvious you aim high.

Really Alpha needs to invest in split-screen viewing globe technology.

Um Zordon, how can I join the other Rangers when Putties don't go away until Rita says so?

Well that went well. At least Rita can have that smoothie after all.

Wait, the communicator's on his wrist and not in a random gym bag? He actually learned how to do that!?

One of the pamango...if there are that many, then there should be more in the park. Look around and cross your fingers Rita didn't think of that.

Tommy has an idea...we're more doomed than I thought.

Hey Tommy, this pineapple...if I used one of my yellow sponges and use both in a diorama, do you think it would be...weird?


Tommy, you don't know Kim has a parrot. You're making it up. Next idea.

Seriously, the fate of the world is decided about a lie involving a non-existent pet. Ernie, you are so naive.

When you call a shake "pamango" and advertise the mango and papaya, then you really should mention that the stupid imaginary fruit existed too!

Hey Blade Blasters; we have these!

From the hand movement, you'd expect it was upper head talking, not lower head.

He's smart, wait for Tommy...worst advise ever.

Jason, don't try to outmuscle a guy with two heads.

Ooh, the Two-Headed Parrot is getting sassy about teamwork. Burned.

I just realized it: a pamango is a coconut with a palm tree attached to it. Suddenly I can't help but laugh.

If Tommy actually killed the parrot with a pamango without it eating it, it would have been hilarious.

Seriously: two heads, two sets of taste buds; split it up since it goes into the same stomach in the end.

It's not your fault, Jason: the fruit doesn't exist so we had to improvise.

Six-Ranger overhead leap. Dunno if the original ever did that bit.

Really, the parrot dying of a Dragon Dagger laser would be a nice end...

But of course, stock footage, even Zyu2 growth stock footage, has to be used.

From that size, are you sure it isn't the two-headed unplucked chicken?

Kim stereo choice of the episode: "Two of Us" by The Beatles (if only to get rid of the lame "Polly wanna Megazord" line)

Animaniacs voice: RIGHT!

No underwater rise, it just...walks right in. Must have been moved.

Great now it's just waving its arms around. Did it's brain shrink when it's body grew?


They need more power...let's not combine or anything, they just need some gas.

Titanus? Um, wouldn't the MegaDragonzord be more...symbolic? It's two heads, that's two heds...

Don't like the new Ultrazord formation. It just takes away from the Dragonzord and makes it more just "oh yeah, we use that too".

We have no choice? wasn't going to surrender.

And thus we end with the old idiom: Three Heads are Better than Two...wait what?


I knew it was going to be two tiny brains instead of two big ones.

Back to the MILF (Martial Interest Ladies Foundation) class!

See, maybe Tommy shouldn't have gotten the blonde.

And meanwhile Ernie got more pamango...they're more prevalent than Tommy realized.

Hoo boy...Tommy's busted.

Pamango hording: another of many money schemes illegally controlled by Ernie.

And here come our MILF lovers now...

Bulk, why are you complaining? This is what you wanted...

A bunch of...ugh...Skull, what happened to your standards!?

Then again if they're the dummies, maybe they have a chance after all.

It's "self-defense"...yeah, attacking isn't the right thing.

Belly bust. Ouch.

How low will those two go?

That punchline just sounds so wrong considering Skull's sexual preferences...

And now Skull is out to dream about his weird, weird orgy.

Thoughts: I really don't get the whole point in this Rita scheme considering that the "two heads" saying doesn't work if you have two women taking on two different muggers; if it was just one mugger then fine but the way it was worked out it just didn't come out in the right way. It gets even weirder when Rita just forgot completely about having a two-headed monster (seriously, Goatan was way before this Two-Headed Parrot) and the fate of the world is basically based around Ernie's new fruit smoothies with some weird non-existant fruit! It wants to be a lesson episode but all it tells me is about how Ernie illegally controls another elemenet of Angel Grove in secret...and maybe that Skull's MILF love only goes so far.

Fowl Play: aka: Guess Who? (Hint: It's Not What You'd Think)

Angela runs a babysitting operation at the juice bar? Least it keeps her busy.'s because of Zack's magic tricks...well he did show himself skilled before.

Wait, he's employing Bulk and Skull? Shows his compassion I suppose.

Angela's still trying to give him the time of day? I guess she got over the movies.

Maybe Bulk should finish eating before trying to juggle.

Hey, that humming may be some advanced communication skilled.

And that's why you should not rush with food to help Zack; it's just going to prepare the floor for disaster.

Juggling's part of hip-hop? I never saw Tupac juggle.

It's not that hard to make Bulk and Skull vanish: just let them act like idiots and they'll leave.

Rubber snakes? That's a little cheap there, Zack.

Use your brain...unless you're a Power Ranger, then force is fine as long as the giant floating head tells you so.

Oh great, Angela is turned on again. She did forget about the movies...

Well he's had his moment for the day...which means it's bound to screw up in three...two...

Don't arrange a wedding; it's Angela, he's going to screw up by the end of the episode.

Maybe we should stop all means of anything that inspired Rita to make a monster. No sayings, no random stuff, just stop it and Rita will stop getting these dumb ideas.

What the heck is Tommy doing at the mall anyway? There's nothing to break there.

Yeah its obvious why Zack's staying behind...hormones...

Zack don't be jealous; he's 11 years old...and white.

Let's hope you don't get shot down too badly this time, Zack-boy.

Your new, I think you can put Pudgy Pig away, it's not coming back...ever...

Peckster? Did we really have to go there with the "Peck" bit?

And speaking of bad lines...Putty in her hands...Rita was waiting for you to say that Jason.

Battlefield's really dusty today, isn't it?

Eh, not a fan of "clayface" thing you know one of them will want to call itself Crazy Quilt.

I think Ernie's choking...Zack's sincerity is really just turned up to "ick" levels.

He really doesn't like them...Zack, Ernie knows things and he knows it won't work between you two!

She really does have a starfish's memory about Zack, huh?

Zack wants to ignore the TV; it's probably that reporter blabbling about the Power Rangers saving the day again so nothing lost.

OK, that Peckster's beak is hysterical. That's not a woodpecker, that's a friggin Archaeopteryx!

The kids are more trusting about the Power Rangers than, Zack, don't you have something to do?

Magic tricks...there's a Peckster running amuck and the answer is magic tricks...

They didn't really dissappear if they were so easily within plain view.

Hey, you did this trick in "A Bad Reflection of You". It's bound to work!

Iamag Oon...yeah, clever insult, Zack, do you think maybe they'd respect you more if you treated them better?

Just say "Zack" while the Peckster's rampaging. That would be hilarious.

At least he realized how stupid it was...too late but still...

Those magical boxes really do involve slight of hand, huh?

I wouldn't celebrate that badly...Zack's still got about a half-season of episodes after this.

Good cynicism. At least Zack caught on to Zordon's manipulations fast.

So if Peckster is destroying buildings, does that mean it's a giant already? Probably not but would explain a few things.

So one sign says "Forest Conservancy Park" and a picture of the Taj Mahal? Is this what Toei thinks of America? (sees the Kakuranger ep about Jiraiya's origin) Guess so.

Meanwhile more Putties. (Can someone count how many of those Rita has?)

Have fear? That's not a way to introduce yourself, Peckster.

Um, it's still early, Rita; I doubt it's doing something right just yet.

Been a while since the Power Axe was used for some solo combat.

RUN AWAY! (or is it a strategic withdrawal?)

Alpha, if the Peckster did a strategic withdrawal, that's not pulverizing anyone.

I can't find the others...Angel Grove's not that big and there are Putties everywhere, that's not really too smart of you.

Zordon's advising him to go back to the Youth Center? Um...seriously? Why not after Bulk and Skull lose their minds in getting Zack back?

That seriously looks like the typical park battle Zack could just go there, help with the Putties and no sweat.

And another strategic retreat...maybe you four need to go back to the Youth Center too?

No Queen lines unless it works to be funny, Jason!

So Zack goes home and the others go to the Command Center. Zordon, your priorities really are screwed up.

They never show how it's destroying the buildings. They destroy buildings all the time in giant fights, so what makes Peckster so different?

I think Bizarre Buzzard works as a better name unless you prove it as a real woodpecker.

Woodpeckers really aren't known for their it's probably just another design fail courtesy of Finnster.

Don't worry about Tommy; I think he found a punching bag game at the mall arcade.

That's not flying, that's gliding!

And Putties. That figures.

I sort of wonder if they're trying for a metal version of Woody Woodpecker with that voice.

Lucky that Bulk's stalling for time, Zack's not even back yet.

Bulk and don't see it. She's too much of a woman for him.

That mouth to mouth with a hippo in a mudbath really does sound erotic.

Hey if he's still gone, maybe the word won't work.

Must have been waiting for that moment. Smooth.

And of course, just as Zack returns, the news returns to the Peckster incident.

Stop saying it's destroying Angel Grove without showing it!

The kids have more hope for the Power Rangers than the local media does.

The chickens have flown the coop...what chickens? That's an important story! (even moreso than Zack's revelation)

Those are just spear tongues. That's not pecking.

Those wings look really scrawny compared to the beak.

OK, now it's acting tough. I guess it's real power is it's defenses.

It's Zack...and balloons...sure it was Angela that gave him the idea and not the magic show props?

Hmm, clever. Reminds me of Food Fight...and for once it is pecking and not just random bird moves.

Well at least he found a way to shut Peckster up.

Blade Blaster's more powerful than Power Axe...well it has range compared to the short-ranged weapon.

When in doubt, grow.

Well the Zords are in a show of force mood.

Stereo song of the episode: "Ready to Take a Chance Again" by Barry Mannilow...what, didn't you remember the 1978 Hitchcock parody with Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase?

Ah, it's going to blind us with it's ugliness!

Mammoth Shield...we have that, right? Yeah, we do.

Punch right to the beak!

Toxic Tornado? What the heck is that?

Well there goes the Mammoth shield...let's hope they remember to bring it back.

Now that's using your, head ornament...thing...

It should scare you, Peckster. Remember Grumble Bee's little complaint?

And thus it goes down laughing...sure it wasn't a hyena? Cause it wasn't a woodpecker.

The newscaster sounds like it's narrating afterwards, not live.

Where is Zack? Did someone say "Iamag Oon?"

And face right in the popcorn.

Yeah, I'd blame Finnster. Never claim you send a woodpecker when it's just a generic bird thing.

Oh great, Zack's dressing up; prepare for another Angela shut-down folks.

Does Angel Grove have enough of this crap to actually make Zack have a true "night on the town"?

Two French-sounding places? Just make it one and save money.

And then maybe...well it has to be censored, kids watch this show no matter how bangin' Angela looks.

Cartoon festival? Well...ever see the Wolf from the Red Hot Ridin' Hood cartoons? That's me.

I'd make good animation a date any time, Angela.

Hey, maybe if they have Stop Makin' Sense at the theater, I can pretend to be David Byrne wearing a big suit.

I think the Woody laugh would be appropriate here, folks. (though I think he just fought Buzz Buzzard)

Cue end music and "A Universal Studios Cartoon" caption

Thoughts: I'm a bit confused as to how or why Angela would once again find the time of day for Zack, but considering that it has more to do with his abilities in magic and care of kids, it at least proves he's probably a better babysitter than husband material. The Peckster stuff is a bit of a mess though, mostly because most of what it accomplishes is hearsay; sure it's powerful but we never see it pecking at any buildings in Angel Grove, so how do we know it's not, say, a buzzard? And while what Zack pulled on Bulk and Skull is a bit cruel (see "Iamag Oon"), I did like the brains he used to win, even if more or less it's based on Goushi know the smart Zyuranger. (even in Zyu2)
A review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 1 episodes 51-53: Grumble Bee, Two Heads are Better Than One, & Fowl Play (not "Fowl Play in the Sky"...just "Fowl Play"...)
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Zigs-Lotheon's avatar
Your girls are bee-utiful XD